CRUK Jersey Community: Halloween Disco Bingo

Saturday, November 16, 2024
Jersey Bowling Club

CRUK Jersey Community: Halloween Disco Bingo

Mark your calendars for an unforgettable night of spooky fun, music, and bingo with the Cancer Research UK - Jersey Community!

There will be a prize for the best Halloween costume, so bring your A-game and show off your spooky style! If you buy your Halloween fancy dress from Fancy Dress Box on Colomberie and mention it’s for this event, they will make a donation to Cancer Research UK; every costume purchase helps support a great cause!

Venue: Jersey Bowling Club, Westmount Road
Doors open: 19:00
Show starts: 19:30
£20.00 per person (including hot food and the chance to win raffle prizes)

To purchase your tickets, please visit this link and click on donate. Remember to add a note to the 'Your Message' section stating that you are paying for event tickets.

If you can't make the event, but would still like to make a donation, please visit this link.

For more information, please call 07700700169 or 07797763977.

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