Endless 80s

Saturday, November 30, 2024
Best Western Royal Hotel

Endless 80s

Go back to the 1980s with Beresford Street Kitchen on Saturday 30th November - grab your tutu, pull on your leg warmers, and crimp your hair!

From start to finish, this high energy show will entertain you with all the best 80s song you know and love. Expect lively dance routines, fantastic costumes, and plenty of audience participation. Sing along to Madonna, Tiffany and Whitney, then dance the Locomotion Kylie-style and get ready to play your air guitar.

If you're a girl or guy who wants to get 'Footloose' on the dancefloor, then this tribute to the 80s is most definitely for you!

Dress code: Fabulous, funky - and fancy dress if you want - it's the 80s after all!
Tickets: £62.50 per person and includes a 2-course dinner; available here.
Timings: Doors open at 19:00; carriages at 01:00.

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